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Offline Payments

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How to Export Sales to CSV

Updated Nov 16, 2023 There are multiple ways to export sales to CSV. Let’s start with the option most Board...

Create Manual Orders for Buyers Paying by Check or Cash

If someone pays by check, you have two options. Enter Order Paid by Check / Other or Enter Multiple Members...

Invoice for Unpaid Guests or Concessions

To invoice for unpaid guests or concession balances go to the Board Member Dashboard > Financial dashboard then Mail Members...

Invoice for Annual Dues

To invoice your club’s membership for their yearly dues, go to the Board Member Dashboard > Financial module, then select...

Invoice for Any Product

Updated Nov 15, 2023 Unlike our mass invoicing module for annual dues, this module is used to send an invoice...

Past Invoices and Statuses

Any invoice sent through the system, whether a mass invoice for annual dues, single / group invoice, or wait list...

Trends and Categories

Being able to look back on your swim and tennis club’s historical sales data by product is one of the...

Invoice for Assessment

To invoice for assessments go to the Board Member Dashboard > Financial dashboard then Invoice for Assessment. For swim and tennis clubs / HOA’s...

Notes on Fall Invoicing

While most of our clients invoice in the Spring, you are welcome to send invoices anytime of year. Spring invoicing...

Upgrade Your PayPal connection in 60 seconds!

If you have found your way to this page, we likely need to upgrade your website’s connection to PayPal. You...

Enter Multiple Members Paid by Check at once

In the Financial Dashboard under the Orders & Products section, use the Enter Multiple Members Paid by Check link to...

Store Credit for Volunteer Work Hours

Your club can set a Volunteer Credit amount in a member’s profile to automatically subtract from the final price of...

Refunding Orders

Board Members with the “Refund Orders” permission can do so from the Order Details page. Although orders can be initiated...

Store Credit (different than Concession Credit)

Store Credit can be used by members to purchase anything for sale on your website (guest passes, clinics, concession credit,...

Subscriptions / Recurring Payments

Updated Nov 16, 2023 Subscriptions are payment plans that automatically re-bill the buyer at a schedule you setup. For this...

Donations at Checkout

For our swim and tennis clubs that want to ask buyers for a donation at checkout we have an easy,...