Use the Product Section to Add one of your Products to a page. This one is a little different because you will need to Create a Product first. The settings you use when creating the product will determine what is shown in this section.
Hint: If you have more than one product you’d like on the same page, consider using a Shop instead.
First, Create your Product
If you need to, read more about Creating and Editing Products first. While Creating a Product, you will have the option to create a Standalone Product Page. Unless you have multiple subjects included on the page and purchasing the product is only a portion of it, consider just creating a page that features the product using a Standalone Product Page.
Start by picking your product. Then, go ahead and include the image you added when you created it – that’ll make it look pretty. The settings we used for the example image above are in the screenshot below. You can also edit your product from here if you need to.
Hint: If you only have a few variable pricing options, consider turning off Toggle to reveal purchase. Depending on what your page looks like, that option may make it look cleaner and give the member one less step to purchase.