Embed any iFrame code, perfect for Google Forms/Maps, Twitter feeds, or other dynamic content. In the Bullet Points section, we discussed adding iFrame code in-line with the bullet points. This is an option for when you would like to add an iFrame in-line with another block, or all by itself. We’ve shown a Facebook Page Timeline iFrame in conjunction with a Basic Block in the example below. Viewers can even scroll the timeline.

There are basic settings you can choose for the iFrame itself, however if you are looking to incorporate it into an existing page, you may need to edit the iFrame code to fully customize the height and width of the frame to best suit your needs. Like some of the other sections, this one will also show you a live preview as you adjust and then Save Settings. Depending on what you’re going for, it may take some experimentation. PoolDues is always here to help if you are struggling, just Contact Us.