Edit a Page

Inevitably a page on your club’s site will need to be edited. There are several ways to go about this. You can edit a specific section and rearrange the sections within the page. These instructions apply to editing your club’s Front Page as well.

Note: if you do not see the options below, ask your President to give you Create/Edit Pages permissions on the Adjust Board Member Roles page.

Editing a Page or Specific Section

Option 1:

When you hover over the top of any section on a page, you will see a tiny link that says Edit Section. This is probably the quickest and most straightforward way to edit a specific section and its settings. Once you adjust that section’s settings, Save it. At that point, you have two options. Exit Edit Mode to view what you’ve changed, or Arrange the sections.

Option 2:

From the Edit Page Button. This will take you to editing the page with all of your sections shown. From there, click the button to Edit the specific Section.

TIP: If you’re creating a page with multiple sections, especially of the same type, give each section a Reference Name so you can easily tell which is which.

The Arrange Sections Button

Once you Edit a Section with either of the options above, you will see the Arrange Sections Button that will allow you to drag and drop your sections to get them in the order you want. When you rearrange the sections, the page will automatically save. At that point, Exit Edit Mode to see how it looks.

Continue reading to learn more about Customizing your Page Using Sections.

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