The settings for your Membership Product determine when a member expires. When a new member joins or a current member renews by paying for a membership product their expiration date is set. This could be a specific date the following year or 365 days from when they pay.
Although expiration dates include a month and day, for invoicing purposes we generally look in year spans.
To think of it simply, when doing Spring invoicing, if a member expires the current year, they need to pay and will receive an invoice. After paying, their expiration is sometime in the next year, and they no longer receive an invoice.
When do the month and day of an expiration matter
For an August-Only Membership Product, the expiration date plays an important part. By expiring the member on August 31, they will no longer be able to check into the pool (our Front Desk App will no longer list them).
A member is not aware of their expiration date (it is not shown to them in the Member Dashboard), but if the current date exceeds their expiration, they are no longer in good standing and can no longer sign onto the Member Dashboard, reserve tennis courts, or do other member-only functions.
Members on Automatic Payment Plans
Every member that is NOT on a yearly recurring payment cycle can have their Expiration adjusted manually.
Members on yearly recurring payment plans are always considered in good standing so you should never need to edit their expiration date (in other words, they re-bill the same day they would expire, thus never expiring).
Learn how to change a Single Expiration Date Manually.
Learn how to mass change Expiration Dates.
Learn how to set Expiration Dates in a Membership Product.