The Dreaded Try Again Later
If you are a non-profit business or swim / tennis club and see a vague Paypal message that says “Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later”, you aren’t alone. Below is what could be happening, but before you proceed, rule out the obvious.
The Obvious Solutions
1. Verify your bank if you haven’t already. If your organization has already been receiving money and transferring it to your bank account, than this is not the problem.
2. In your Paypal profile, look for anything regarding the account holder’s email not being verified. Get Paypal to resend the verification email.
3. In the Account Settings, under the Business Profile settings, look for anything that is asking for more info. In particular check Account Owner Information.
The Less-Obvious Solution
Your non-profit might be listed as a Business instead of actually being listed as a non-profit. If so, they are likely asking for information on the beneficial owner to comply regulatory requirements. As a non-profit obviously there is no beneficial owner, so the best thing to do in the long run is to get Paypal to consider your account for a non-profit. It may even reduce your fees if you are a qualified 501(c)(3).
In the meantime, one of our clients was able to work around getting switched over to non-profit status by adding a new user. To get started read Paypal’s instructions on adding a new user…
If you have a Business account, here’s how you can add users to your PayPal account:
- Click the Settings icon next to “Log out.”
- Click Account access under “Account & Security” on the left of the page.
- Click Update in the “Manage Users” section.
- Click Add User.
After adding the new user, navigate back to your User list, so you see this…
Select the new User and you should see these options, the bottom one listed is Identity Verification.
See what actions Paypal is requiring to be verified…
Worst case, call them!
Call up Paypal and explain you aren’t smuggling spices, just trying to run your community pool or other organization on the up-and-up.