Every Membership Product can have a corresponding Assessment Product assigned to it.
For swim and tennis clubs / HOA’s an “assessment” is typically a required payment separate from the normal annual dues. These one-time collections are usually voted on by the entire membership and used for expensive renovations or repairs.
If your club defines an “assessment” differently, for example, members are assessed EVERY year, that type of payment would be better off as a Required Product at checkout or made as a single product with a combined price for both, for example, “Annual Dues + Assessment” .
The screenshot below shows a club’s Assessment product for a Membership product called Emeritus Membership. Notice the Assessment Product is aptly named 2021 Emeritus Assessment (their other memberships have different assessments assigned).

If members need to be invoiced for an assessment, our invoicing module will look at two factors to determine if a member receives an invoice…
- If the Membership Product the member is paired with for annual dues invoicing has a corresponding Assessment Product.
- If the member has already paid an assessment that year.
So for example, the club decides all members need to be an extra $1000 for new bathrooms. The send an invoice using our Assessment Invoice module. All members receive an invoice. John Doe pays his invoice, and his account is marked as having paid an assessment in 2021. A couple weeks later, the club sends a reminder invoice, this time though John Doe does not receive an invoice.