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Per-Product Wait List

For products with a limit to sales, for example a small-group swim class, you can enable a wait list for that particular product. If the product reaches capacity, an “Add to Wait List” button will appear in place of the usual Add to Cart buttons. As you can see in the screenshot below, a member can quickly tap a button to log that they would like to be on the wait list. They can also see how many households are waiting in front of them.

Important note: This is not in any way related to your club’s Wait List Module for memberships. This feature is a very simple, one-press option for existing members (and only members) to log that they would like to be invoiced if a spot opens up.

Enabling the Per-Product Wait List feature

Navigate to the product you would like to turn this feature on for, then head to the Limit Sales / Date section. Under the Availability Settings, you will see the Enable Per-Product Wait List option.

The Availability Settings are an important companion setting because generally a product that never sells out, will not ever need to show the “Add to Wait List” button. So while enabling the wait list, consider at what point you want to start working off your wait list for sales.

💡For very in-demand products, ones that might incur “door buster”-like sales, you could set the Availability to a little less than the absolute max capacity to prevent a product from being oversold. We are not a ticketing platform where a specific seat is being held until a buyer checks out. So for example, if your club sells a toddler swim class for 8 kids and you expect dozens of parents to respond immediately, you should set it to Stop selling at 7 (or lower), so two buyers can’t add the last remaining spots to their cart simultaneously. The last spots could then be offered via direct invoice using the wait list.

Get “Pre-Sale” Interest

You could also disable sales altogether and work entirely off a wait list. To do so, set the Availability as seen in the screenshot below…

With this Availability Setting as is, the product does not need to “sell out” prior to showing the Add to Wait List button. This could be useful for getting interested buyers before actually committing to selling a product. Or simply evaluating buyers with an ordered list, before invoicing them.

Invoicing via the Wait List

If the wait list feature is enabled, you can find the list from any page the product is listed for sale at (most likely your Shop page)…

You can also get there from the Product Editor

Each wait-listed household has a status dropdown…

Initially their status will be set to Waiting. When you are ready to send invoices to one or more households, simply change their status to “Send to invoice module“, then click the button below. The households selected to be invoiced will be moved over to the Invoice Module with their emails set as the Recipients and the product pre-selected to be invoiced. Their status will immediately change to “☑️ Invoiced” at this point (so be sure you hit Send on the invoices once in the queue).

If the product has multiple variable pricing options to choose from, the first option is selected by default. Once your invoice is ready, save it to the Review Queue then hit Send.

The invoice email will have a button to add the product to the shopping cart. Only a member household that has been noted as “Invoiced” will be able to add the product. Remember it is no longer for sale, so normally if the product somehow made it back into the shopping cart we would determine it shouldn’t be there and restrict its purchase.

Purchased Status and Removing a Household

After a household completes their sale the status will automatically be set to (you guessed it)… “✅ Purchased”. Look for the shiny green checkmark for success!

This setting can be manually set as well. To delete someone from the wait list, simply choose 🚫 Delete then hit the blue button.

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